How to use it in 3 steps!#

To use any of the problems supported, you should always keep in mind that there are three steps involved: generate the mesh, instantiate the problem, and use the problem object.

For demonstration purposes, let’s say we are interested in the Euler1d Sod problem. We show below how to use it but similar steps are applicable to any other problem. So after reading this page, you should be able to understand how to use any problem.

Step 1: Generating the Mesh#

To generate the mesh, you should rely on the meshing script as follows

python3 pressio-demoapps/meshing_scripts/ \
        --outdir $HOME/myTestMesh \
        --problem sod1d_s7 \
        -n 100

where we specify the things:

  • --outdir: full path to where you want all the mesh files to be generated. Here we use $HOME/myTestMesh but you can obviously set whatever you want.

  • --problem: we pass the string sod1d_s7 which has two parts: sod1d indicates the problem name, and s7 indicates the stencil size to use, in this case we want a 7-point stencil. So if you want a mesh for Sod1d with 3-point stencil then you do sod1d_s3. Refer to each problem page for the supported choices.

  • -n=100 specifies how many cells to use for the spatial discretization

The advantage of this script is that any information about the problem domain and other details are encoded in the script, so it only exposes a minimal set of parameters (e.g. number of cells) to set.


For the correct syntax to create the mesh for any problem, refer to each problem page.

Step 2: Creating a problem instance#

After generating a mesh, we need to create an instance of the Sod1d problem. We now show what this step 2 looks like in both C++ and Python.

C++ Synopsis to create a problem#

#import <pressiodemoapps/euler1d.hpp>
// ...
namespace pda         = pressiodemoapps;
const auto meshObj    = pda::load_cellcentered_uniform_mesh_eigen("/home/myTestMesh");
constexpr auto scheme = pda::InviscidFluxReconstruction::Weno5;
auto problem          = pda::create_problem_eigen(meshObj, pda::Euler1d::Sod, scheme);
auto state            = problem.initialCondition();
// ...

This creates an instance of the Sod1d problem using Eigen data types, and selects the 5-th order WENO scheme for the inviscid flux reconstruction (to know more details about which schemes and stencils a problem supports, see the target problem’s webpage). Note that here we explicitly ask for an instance of the problem that is based on Eigen data types. Eigen is currently the main backend supported, but other ones, e.g., Kokkos, will be added later.

Python Synopsis to create a problem#

import pressiodemoapps as pda
# ...
meshObj = pda.load_cellcentered_uniform_mesh("/home/myTestMesh")
order   = pda.InviscidFluxReconstruction.Weno5;
problem = pda.create_problem(meshObj, pda.Euler1d.Sod, order)
state   = problem.initialCondition()

This creates a problem that uses numpy data structures. Note how the Python code reads like the C++ one.

Step 3: Using the problem#

To use a problem instance, you need to know that all pressio-demoapps problem instances meet a specific C++ API and Python API.

Assuming you read that API page, then it should be clear that the problem API is complete enough so that you can query all operators and do something with them. Here we show some things you can do using the C++ as an example:

// ...
auto problem = pda::create_problem_eigen(meshObj, pda::Euler1d::Sod, scheme);
auto state = problem.initialCondition();

// having the problem and initial condition, create instance of the RHS
auto rhs = problem.createRightHandSide()
// compute the rhs of the discrete system at time=0.0
problem.rightHandSide(state, 0.0, rhs);

// create the Jacobian
auto J = problem.createJacobian()
// compute J at time=0.0
problem.rightHandSideAndJacobian(state, 0.0, rhs, J);
// or we can compute just the Jacobian
problem.jacobian(state, 0.0, J);

!! to do: finish