Full mesh#

The pressio-demoapps/meshing subdirectory contains the following scripts:

  • create_full_mesh.py: for generating a full mesh

  • create_full_mesh_for.py: for generating a full mesh for a specific problem

For all the above, you can see the corresponding info by typing script-name.py --help. Below, we describe the scripts in more details.

Script Usage#

python3 create_full_mesh.py \
             --outDir <path-to-where-you-want-mesh-to-be-generated> \
             -n Nx [Ny Nz] \
             --bounds xMin xMax [yMin yMax zMin zMaz] \
             -s <int>             # valid choices are 3,5,7 \
             --periodic <string>  # string for axis to set periodic \
             --debug true/false   # default=false
  • --outDir: full path to directory where you want all mesh files to be generated;

  • -n: number of cells along each axis. If you only pass one value, script assumes 1d domain. If you pass two values, script assumes 2d. If you pass three values, assumes 3d;

  • -s: target stencil size;


Problem-specific mesh script#

python create_full_mesh_for.py --problem lax1d_s<stencilSize> -n <N> --outDir ...

where N is the number of cells you want and <stencilSize> = 3 or 5 or 7.
