1D single-species reaction diffusion#

This problem focuses on the following 1D diffusion reaction PDE:

\[\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} = D \frac{\partial^2 \phi}{\partial x^2} + k \phi^2 + u(x, t)\]
  • The problem is adapted from this paper

  • D, k, u(x, t) can be provided to the problem constructor (more below)

  • Initial condition: \(\phi(x, 0) = 0\)

  • Default settings:

    • D = 0.01

    • k = 0.01

    • \(u(x, t) = 4 x^2\sin(\pi x) \cos(4 \pi x)\)

  • Domain is \([0,1]\) with homogeneous Dirichlet BC


python3 pressio-demoapps/meshing_scripts/create_full_mesh_for.py \
       --problem diffreac1d -n <N> --outDir <destination-path>


  • N is the number of cells you want

  • <destination-path> is where you want the mesh files to be generated. The script creates the directory if it does not exist.



For this problem, only viscous schemes are applicable. Note also that the stencil cannot be (yet) set because the implementation currently only supports a thee-point stencil that allows a first order viscous flux reconstruction, yielding a second-order scheme. We might relax this in the future if additional scheme are added.

C++ synopsis#

#include "pressiodemoapps/diffusion_reaction1d.hpp"

int main(){
  namespace pda      = pressiodemoapps;
  const auto meshObj = pda::load_cellcentered_uniform_mesh_eigen("path-to-mesh");

  // A. constructor for problem using default values
    const auto probId  = pda::DiffusionReaction1d::ProblemA;
    auto problem = pda::create_problem_eigen(meshObj, probId);

  // B. setting custom coefficients
    using scalar_type = typename decltype(meshObj)::scalar_t;
    const auto diffCoeff = static_cast<scalar_type(0.5);
    const auto reacCoeff = static_cast<scalar_type(0.2);
    auto problem = pda::create_diffusion_reaction_1d_problem_A_eigen(meshObj, diffCoeff, reacCoeff);

  // C. setting custom coefficients and custom source function
    using scalar_type = typename decltype(meshObj)::scalar_t;
    const auto diffCoeff = static_cast<scalar_type(0.5);
    const auto reacCoeff = static_cast<scalar_type(0.2);

    auto mySource = [](const scalar_type & x,
                       const scalar_type & t,
                       scalar_type & result)
      // x, t are the location and time where the source must be evaluated
      result = /* do whatever you want */;

    auto problem = pda::create_diffusion_reaction_1d_problem_A_eigen(meshObj, mySource,
                                                                     diffCoeff, reacCoeff);

Python synopsis#

import pressiodemoapps as pda

meshObj = pda.load_cellcentered_uniform_mesh("path-to-mesh")

# A. constructor for problem using default values
probId  = pda.DiffusionReaction1d.ProblemA
problem = pda.create_problem(meshObj, probId)

# B. setting custom coefficients
myD, myK = 0.2, 0.001
problem = pda.create_diffusion_reaction_1d_problem_A(meshObj, myD, myK)

# C. setting custom coefficients and custom source function
myD, myK = 0.55, 0.002
mysource = lambda x, time : np.sin(math.pi*x) *x*x * 4.*np.cos(4.*math.pi*x)
problem = pda.create_diffusion_reaction_1d_problem_A(meshObj, probId, \
                                                     mysource, myD, myK)