2D Shallow water equations#

Simulates the 2D shallow water equations with conservative variables. The problem is described with the following system of PDE

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\frac{\partial h}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial hu}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial hv}{\partial y} = 0\\\frac{\partial hu}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial }{\partial x} (hu^2 + \frac{1}{2}g h^2) + \frac{\partial huv}{\partial y} = - \mu v\\\frac{\partial hv}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial huv}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial }{\partial y} (hv^2 + \frac{1}{2}g h^2) = \mu u\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

for fluid column height \(h\), gravity \(g\) and 2D vector \((u, v)\) of the fluid’s horizontal flow velocity averaged across the vertical column.

  • Domain is \([-5,5]^2\) with slip-wall BCs

  • Initial conditions:

    • \(h = 1 + \alpha \exp( -(x-1)^2 - (y-1)^2)\)

    • \(u = 0\)

    • \(v = 0\)

  • Default settings:

    • \(\alpha = 1/8\) (initial pulse magnitude)

    • \(g = 9.8\) (gravity parameter)

    • \(\mu = -3.0\) (Coriolis parameter)

  • \(g, \mu, \alpha\) can be provided to the problem constructor (more below)


python3 pressio-demoapps/meshing_scripts/create_full_mesh_for.py \
        --problem swe2dSlipWall_s<stencilSize> -n Nx Ny --outDir ...


  • Nx, Ny is the number of cells you want along \(x\) and \(y\) respectively

  • <stencilSize> = 3 or 5 or 7: defines the neighboring connectivity of each cell

  • <destination-path> is where you want the mesh files to be generated. The script creates the directory if it does not exist.


When you set the <stencilSize>, keep in mind the following constraints (more on this below):

  • InviscidFluxReconstruction::FirstOrder requires <stencilSize> >= 3

  • InviscidFluxReconstruction::Weno3 requires <stencilSize> >= 5

  • InviscidFluxReconstruction::Weno5 requires <stencilSize> >= 7

C++ synopsis#

#include "pressiodemoapps/swe2d.hpp"

int main(){
  namespace pda = pressiodemoapps;

  const auto meshObj = pda::load_cellcentered_uniform_mesh_eigen("path-to-mesh");

  const auto scheme = pda::InviscidFluxReconstruction::FirstOder; //or Weno3, Weno5

  // A. constructor for problem using default values
    const auto probId = pda::Swe2d::SlipWall;
    auto problem = pda::create_problem_eigen(meshObj, probId, scheme);

  // B. constructor for problem specifying all coefficients
    using scalar_type   = typename decltype(meshObj)::scalar_t;
    const scalar_type gravity  = /* some value */;
    const scalar_type coriolis = /* some value */;
    const scalar_type alpha    = /* some value */;

    auto problem = pda::create_slip_wall_swe_2d_problem_eigen(meshObj, scheme,
                                                              gravity, coriolis, alpha);

Python synopsis#

import pressiodemoapps as pda

meshObj = pda.load_cellcentered_uniform_mesh_eigen("path-to-mesh")

probId  = pda.Swe2d.SlipWall;
scheme  = pda.InviscidFluxReconstruction.FirstOrder # or Weno3, Weno5

# A. constructor for problem using default values
problem = pda.create_problem(meshObj, probId, scheme)

# B. constructor for problem specifying all coefficients
gravity  = # some value
coriolis = # some value
alpha    = # some value
problem = pda.create_slip_wall_swe_2d_problem(meshObj, scheme, gravity, coriolis, alpha)

Sample Plot#

Representative plot of the height \(h(t)\) as a function of time at \(x=y=0\) using default physical parameters, a 65x65 mesh with Weno5 and RK4 time integration:

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