
C++ library#

The C++ library is header-only so it does not need to be compiled and installed.

To use it, you need a C++17 compiler and you have to:

  1. include the pressiodemoapps/include subdirectory in your compilation line

  2. include the Eigen library (whose headers you can find inside pressiodemoapps/tpls).

Building the test suite#

If you want to build the C++ tests, you need CMake > 3.18.0 and then do:

git clone --recursive
export CXX=<path-to-your-CXX-compiler> #must support C++17
cd pressio-demoapps && mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
ctest -j4

Python library#

To build/install the bindings, you need:

  • CMake > 3.18.0 and a C++ compiler with C++17 support

  • You also need these packages:

    pip3 install build pytest numpy scipy matplotlib

Then, you can do:

git clone --recursive
export CXX=<path-to-your-CXX-compiler> #must support C++17
cd pressio-demoapps
pip3 install .

This builds/installs pressiodemoapps with default options (build_mode=Release).

You can run the tests to verify things:

cd pressio-demoapps
pytest -s