1D adv-diff: Galerkin with POD modes
We cover these three typical steps needed for a ROM:
- generate of snapshots using the full-order model (FOM)
- compute the basis: here we demonstrate the use of POD modes
- execute the ROM: here we leverage the GALERKIN ROM to demonstrate a reproductive test, i.e., we run the ROM using the same physical coefficients, b.c., etc. A predictive run is demonstrated in a different demo.
FOM Equations
The governing equations for this problem are:
where , the field is , the advection velocity is fixed at , the spatial coordinate is and the domain is . We use homogeneous BC. Note that a class approximating the FOM operators via finite-differences is implemented here.
Main function
The main function of the demo is the following:
logger.initialize(logger.logto.terminal) logger.setVerbosity([logger.loglevel.info]) # create fom object fomObj = AdvDiff1d(nGrid=120, adv_coef=2.0) # the final time to integrate to finalTime = .05 #--- 1. FOM ---# fomTimeStepSize = 1e-5 fomNumberOfSteps = int(finalTime/fomTimeStepSize) sampleEvery = 200 [fomFinalState, snapshots] = doFom(fomObj, fomTimeStepSize, fomNumberOfSteps, sampleEvery) #--- 2. POD ---# modes = computePodModes(snapshots) #--- 3. GALERKIN ROM ---# romTimeStepSize = 3e-4 romNumberOfSteps = int(finalTime/romTimeStepSize) # run with various number of modes romSizes = [2,4,6] approximations = {} for romSize in romSizes: currentSolution = runGalerkin(fomObj, romTimeStepSize, romNumberOfSteps, modes[:,:romSize]) approximations[romSize] = currentSolution # compute l2-error between fom and approximate state fomNorm = linalg.norm(fomFinalState) err = linalg.norm(fomFinalState-currentSolution) print("With {} modes, final relative l2 error: {}".format(romSize, err/fomNorm))
1. Run FOM and collect snapshots
def doFom(fom, dt, nsteps, saveFreq): u = fom.u0.copy() U = [u] f = fom.createVelocity() for i in range(1,nsteps+1): # query rhs of discretized system fom.velocity(u, i*dt, f) # simple Euler forward u = u + dt*f if i % saveFreq == 0: U.append(u) Usolns = np.array(U) return [u, Usolns.T]
2. Compute POD modes
print("SVD on matrix: ", snapshots.shape) U,S,VT = np.linalg.svd(snapshots) return U
3. Construct and run ROM
def runGalerkin(fomObj, dt, nsteps, modes): # auxiliary class to use in the solve below # to monitor the rom state during time stepping class RomStateObserver: def __call__(self, timeStep, time, state): pass # find out number of modes wanted romSize = modes.shape[1] # create a linear decoder, passing only the desired number of modes # this will make a deep copy of the modes linearDecoder = rom.Decoder(modes) # fom reference state: here it is zero fomReferenceState = np.zeros(fomObj.nGrid) # create ROM state by projecting the fom initial condition fomInitialState = fomObj.u0.copy() romState = np.dot(modes.T, fomInitialState) # create problem scheme = ode.stepscheme.ForwardEuler problem = rom.galerkin.DefaultExplicitProblem(scheme, fomObj, linearDecoder, romState, fomReferenceState) # create object to monitor the romState at every iteration myObs = RomStateObserver() # solve problem ode.advance_n_steps_and_observe(problem, romState, 0., dt, nsteps, myObs) # after we are done, use the reconstructor object to reconstruct the fom state # get the reconstructor object: this allows to map romState to fomState fomRecon = problem.fomStateReconstructor() return fomRecon(romState)
If everything works fine, the following plot shows the result. We see that for this toy example, the full solution is recovered very well with Galerkin with just a few POD modes.