rom: Steady LSPG

todo: write this better

The pressio4py steady LSPG ROMs are designed to involve two main steps:

1. Create

You instantiate a "steady LSPG problem", e.g.:

problem = pressio4py.rom.lspg.steady.Problem(...)

We currently support two variants:

Refer to each problem page for details on each specific variant.

The returned problem object is an instantiation of a class exposing the following interface:

class Problem

  def fomStateReconstructor()
    return # reference to object for reconstructing FOM state

  def createResidual()
    return # a residual instance

  def createJacobian()
    return # a Jacobian instance

  def residual(state, R)
    # evaluates the residual for the given state

  def jacobian(state, J)
    # evaluates the Jacobian for the given state

2. Solve

  • you use a nonlinear least-squares solvers to solve the problem

    solver = pressio4py.solvers.create_gauss_newton(problem, ...)
    solver.solve(problem, ...)
  • note, in fact, that the problem's API conforms to the one required by the nonlinear solvers
  • for this solve stage, you don't have to use the pressio4py solvers. Once you have the problem object, you can also use your own nonlinear least-squares solver. As shown above, the problem exposes all the operators that you need to solve.