rom: LSPG: steady problem

Defined in module: pressio4py.rom.lspg.steady

Import as:       from pressio4py.rom import lspg


problem = lspg.steady.Problem(fom_adapter, decoder, \               (1)
                              rom_state, fom_ref_state)

problem = lspg.steady.PrecProblem(fom_adapter, decoder, rom_state,  (2)
                                  fom_ref_state, preconditioner)

Parameters and Requirements

  • fom_adapter:
    • instance of your adapter class specifying the FOM problem.
    • must satisfy the steady API
  • decoder:
    • decoder object
    • must satify the requirements listed here
  • rom_state:
    • currently, must be a rank-1 numpy.array
  • fom_ref_state:
    • your FOM reference state that is used when reconstructing the FOM state
    • must be a rank-1 numpy.array
  • preconditioner:
    • an functor needed to precondition the ROM operators
    • must be a functor with a specific API:

      class Prec:
        def __call__(self, fom_state, operand):
          # given the current FOM state,
          # apply your preconditioner to the operand.
          # Ensure that you overwrite the data in the operand.
          # As an example, a trivial preconditioner that does nothing:
          # operand[:] *= 1.

Example code

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from pressio4py import logger, solvers, rom
from pressio4py.rom import lspg

# ===============================
class MySteadyAdapter:
  def __init__(self, N):
    self.N_ = N

  def createResidual(self):
    return np.zeros(self.N_)

  def createApplyJacobianResult(self, operand):
    return np.zeros_like(operand)

  def residual(self, stateIn, R):
    R[:] = 1.0

  def applyJacobian(self, stateIn, operand, C):
    J = self.jacobian(stateIn)
    C[:]  =

  def jacobian(self, stateIn):
    return np.identity(self.N_)

# ===============================
class MyLinSolver:
  def solve(self, A,b,x):
    # solve Ax = b
    # here we should solve the system,
    # but for demonstration let's fix the solution
    x[:] = np.array([1.,2.,3.])

# ===============================
if __name__ == "__main__":


  N = 6
  appObj = MySteadyAdapter(N)
  yRef = np.ones(N)

  romSize = 3
  phi = np.ones((meshSize, romSize), order='F')
  phi[:,0] = 1
  phi[:,1] = 2
  phi[:,2] = 3
  decoder = rom.Decoder(phi)

  yRom    = np.zeros(romSize)
  problem = lspg.steady.Problem(appObj, decoder, yRom, yRef)

  # linear and non linear solver
  lsO  = MyLinSolver()
  nlsO = solvers.create_gauss_newton(problem, yRom, lsO)
  nlsO.solve(problem, yRom)

  fomRecon = problem.fomStateReconstructor()
  yFomFinal = fomRecon(yRom)
