ode: explicit steppers

Defined in module: pressio4py.ode

Import as:       from pressio4py import ode


Applicable to systems of the form:

\[ \frac{d \boldsymbol{y}}{dt} = \boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{y},t; ...) \]

where $y$ is the state, $f$ is the RHS (also called velocity below), $t$ is time.
Explicit methods calculate the state of a system at a later time from the state of the system at the current time and potentially previous times. In pressio, a "stepper" is an abstraction that represents the "how" to take a step.

API, Parameters and Requirements

stepper = ode.create_explicit_stepper(scheme, state, system)
  • scheme:
    • value of the ode.stepscheme enum to set the desired stepping scheme.
      Current choices: ForwardEuler, RungeKutta4, AdamsBashforth2, SSPRungeKutta3.
  • state:
    • numpy.array storing your state
  • system:
    • object defining how to create an instance of the velocity $f$ and how to compute it.
    • Must expose at least the following methods:

      class MySys:
        def createVelocity(self):
          return np.zeros(...)
        def velocity(self, stateIn, time, f):
          # compute f as needed
          # f[:] = ...

Stepper class API

Calling the factory function above returns a stepper object. A stepper class exposes the follwing methods:

class Stepper:

  def order():
    return # order of the step scheme of this stepper instantiation

  def __call__(state, current_time, dt, step_number)

When invoked, the call operator triggers the stepper to execute one step. Having access to the call operator, you can perform you own advancement in time. Alternatively, note that the stepper object satisfies the "steppable" concept discussed here, so you can pass it to the "advance" functions to step in time, see below for an example.

Example usage 1

import numpy as np
from pressio4py import ode

class MyOdeSystem:
  def createVelocity(self):
    return np.zeros(5)

  def velocity(self, stateIn, time, R):
    R[:] = 3.0

state   = np.ones(5)
system  = MyOdeSystem()
scheme  = ode.stepscheme.ForwardEuler
stepper = ode.create_explicit_stepper(scheme, state, system)
print("before doing one step: ", state)

# set time, step size, and step number
t, dt, step_number=0., 2., 1

# invoking the call operator makes the stepper take one step.
# You can use it to do your own stepping if needed.
stepper(state, t, dt, step_number)

# after the step, the state changes
print("after doing one step: ", state)

Example usage 2

import numpy as np
from pressio4py import ode

class MyOdeSystem:
  def createVelocity(self):
    return np.zeros(5)

  def velocity(self, stateIn, time, R):
    R[:] = 3.0

state   = np.ones(5)
system  = MyOdeSystem()
scheme  = ode.stepscheme.ForwardEuler
stepper = ode.create_explicit_stepper(scheme, state, system)

t0, dt, num_steps = 0., 1.2, 5
# here we use our own advance functions
ode.advance_n_steps(stepper, state, t0, dt, num_steps)