Nonlinear Solvers: Levenberg-Marquardt

Defined in module: pressio4py.solvers

Import as:       from pressio4py import solvers

API, Parameters and Requirements

solver = solvers.create_levenberg_marquardt(problem, state, linear_solver)         (1)

solver = solvers.create_weighted_levenberg_marquardt(problem, state, \             (2)
                                                     linear_solver, weigh_functor)
  • problem:
  • state:
    • rank-1 numpy.array storing initial condition
  • linear_solver:
    • an object that is used to solve the linear problem stemming from the normal equations
    • must meet the following API:

      class LinearSolver:
        def solve(self, A, b, x):
          Here you need to solve Ax = b.
          Remember that you need to properly overwrite x
  • weigh_functor:
    • applicable only to overload 2
    • callable that is called to apply weighting to operators at each nonlinear iteration
    • must meet the following API:

      class WeighingFunctor
        def __call__(self, operand, result):
          # apply your weighting to operand and store into result
          # remember to properly overwrite result