
The following plot shows performance results obtained for the rank-2 formulation on a workstation with two 18-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6154 CPU @ 3.00 GHz, each with a 24.75MB L3 cache and 125GB total memory. We enable hyperthreading, thus supporting a maximum of 36 logical threads per CPU, so a total of 72 threads. We use GCC-8.3.1 and rely on kokkos and kokkos-kernels version 3.1.01. We use Blis-0.7.0 as the kokkos-kernels’ backend for all dense operations. We use the OpenMP backend for Kokkos.


M represents how many trajectories we are computing simultaneously: when M=1, this what we refer to as rank-1 formulation, while M>=2 corresponds to what we refer to as rank-2 formulation; N is the total number of dofs (velocities plus stresses) for the problem.

todo: put link to script to run performance test