# ----------------------------------------
# general section is mandatory
# ----------------------------------------
meshDir: # full path to mesh directory
dt: 1. # time step size in seconds
finalTime: 150. # final simulation time in seconds
checkNumericalDispersion: false # enable/disable check for numerical dispersion
checkCfl: false # enable/disable CFL check
# ----------------------------------------
# io section and subnodes are optional
# ----------------------------------------
# if the io section is missing, no output/data is generated
# if you only have the snapshotMatrix section, no seismogram is collected
# if you only have the seismogram section, no snapshots are collected
binary: true # set false if you want to print ascii, true for binary
freq: 1 # every how many time steps to sample velocity field
fileName: snaps_vp # filename to save snapshots to
freq: 1 # every how many time steps to sample stresses
fileName: snaps_sp # filename to save snapshots to
binary: false # set false if you want to print ascii, true for binary
freq: 10 # every how many time steps to sample stresses
receivers: [25, 50, 120, 160] # degrees of all receiver locations
# on surface where to collect seismograms
# ----------------------------------------
# source section is mandatory
# ----------------------------------------
# the source section can be set up to cover three scenarios:
# 1. single forcing term
# 2. multi-forcing simulation solved by running sequential rank-1 solves
# 3. multi-forcing simulation solved by running sequential rank-2 solves
# Scenario 1.
# Units: depth [km] | period [sec] | delay [sec]
signal: {kind: sinusoid, depth: 1100.0, period: 40., delay: 10.0}
# Scenario 2. - for example targeting multiple depths
signal: {kind: sinusoid, depth: [1100.0, 550, ...], period: 40., delay: 10.0}
# Scenario 2. - for example targeting multiple periods
signal: {kind: sinusoid, depth: 1100.0, period: [40., 45, 50., ...], delay: 10.0}
# Scenario 3.
# we target multiple depths in batches of 8 which means that
# the state/forcing have 8 columns, allowing us to simultaneously
# advance 8 solutions until all samples are complete
kind: sinusoid
depth: [1100.0, 550, ...]
period: 40.,
delay: 10.0
forcingSize: 8 # forcingSize>=2 enables rank-2 solution
# ----------------------------------------
# material section is mandatory
# ----------------------------------------
# currently supports these choices:
# 1. a single layer
# 2. two layers
# 3. the prem model
# 4. custom model
# 1. unilayer: means a single material with no discontinuities)
kind: unilayer
# accepts coefficients parametrizing the density and shear velocity profile
layer: {density: [2000., 0., 0.], velocity: [5000., 0., 0.]}
# 3. bilayer (two layers with different materials separated by discontinuity)
# layer1 is the one right below the surface
# layer2 is the one starting at "depth" and down to cmb
kind: bilayer
layer1: {density: [2000., 0., 50.], velocity: [5000., 10., 44.]}
layer2: {depth: 556, density: [100., 0.5, 23.], velocity: [5000., 0., 0.]}
# 3. preliminary reference model
# this only makes sense if you model the earth
kind: prem
# 4. custom
# for this, fill the code at top of "main_fom.cc" to setup your custom material model
kind: custom