Building: step-by-step

If you are reading this page, it likely is because you want a simplified (automated) way the get this done, so that you can minimize the extra effort in building the TPLs needed and the SHAW code. This page tries to do so providing a step-by-step guide and some scripts we have prepared.


  • This repo: git clone

  • C++14 compiler with OpenMP support.

    • We have tested this with GCC 8.3.1, GCC 8.4.0, GCC 10.2.0.

  • CMake>=3.16.0: easily installed via package manager


    • should already be present on your machine, if not, use your package manager

Step 1: Prepare environment

export CXX=<fullpath-to-your-C++14-compiler>
export SHAWDIR=<fullpath-to-where-you-cloned-the-SHAW-repository>

export WORKDIR=${HOME}/myFirstShawBuild
mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}

Step 2: Build TPLs

We have prepared a script that automates this:

cd ${SHAWDIR}/bash_scripts
bash ${WORKDIR} openmp

This script will fetch, build and install inside WORKDIR/tpls all TPLs needed: Kokkos-core, Kokkos-kernels and yaml-cpp.


This builds Kokkos with only the OpenMP backend and without any architecture specifications. This is on purpose, because this step is meant to be as generic and simple as possible to get you started quickly. If you want to customize things, read more on the Kokkos github.

Once the build terminates, you should see the following structure inside your WORKDIR:

tree -c -L 2
└── tpls
    ├── kokkos-3.5.00
    ├── kokkos-3.5.00.tar.gz
    ├── kokkos-kernels-3.5.00
    ├── kokkos-kernels-3.5.00.tar.gz
    ├── kokkos-build
    ├── kokkos-install
    ├── kokkos-kernels-build
    ├── kokkos-kernels-install
    ├── yaml-cpp-0.7.0.tar.gz
    ├── yaml-cpp-yaml-cpp-0.7.0
    ├── yamlcpp-build
    └── yamlcpp-install

Step 3: Build SHAW


# note that here there is not need to specify compiler because
# cmake will automatically pick the up the env var CXX tha we
# already set above in step 1
cmake \
  -DKOKKOSKERNELS_DIR=${WORKDIR}/tpls/kokkos-kernels-install \
  -DYAMLCPP_DIR=${WORKDIR}/tpls/yamlcpp-install \
  -B ${WORKDIR}/shaw-build \

cd ${WORKDIR}/shaw-build
make -j4