
Header: <pressio/mpl.hpp>

Public namespace: pressio::mpl


Provides metaprogramming functionalities needed to support generic programming, which is a fundamental building block of the pressio library. If you are familiar with the <type_traits> header from the standard library, the pressio/mpl will look familiar too. Some parts of pressio/mpl have been adapted from the tinympl project. The tinympl project appears to be no longer maintained.

The following is a partial list only intended to provide a general idea of the supported features.

To find out all supported cases, browse the source.


template< template<class ... T> class F, class ... Args> struct all_of;
  • Determines whether every element in the sequence satisfies the given predicate. The predicate F must be such that F<T>::value must be convertible to bool. Provides the static member constant value that is equal to true iff all the elements in the sequence satisfy the predicate F. Otherwise, value is false.

  • Example:

    namespace pmpl = pressio::mpl;
    static_assert(pmpl::all_of<std::is_floating_point, double, float>::value, "" );


template< template<class ... T> class F, class ... Args> struct any_of;
  • Determines whether any element in the sequence satisfies the given predicate. The predicate F must be such that F<T>::value must be convertible to bool. Provides the static member constant value that is equal to true iff at least one element in the sequence satisfies the predicate F. Otherwise, value is equal to false.


template< template<class ... T> class F, class ... Args> struct none_of;
  • Determines whether none of the elements in the sequence satisfy the given predicate. The predicate F must be such that F<T>::value must be convertible to bool. Provides the static member constant value that is equal to true iff none of the elements in the sequence satisfy the predicate F. Otherwise, value is equal to false.


template<class T, class IndexType> struct is_subscriptable_as;
  • Provides the static member constant value that is equal to true if T has subscript operator [], it can be indexed by an instance of IndexType, and the return type is not void. Otherwise, value is equal to false.