Pressio Tutorials#

Tutorials suite for the pressio C++ library.

Scope and Motivation#

Pressio was started with a focus on projection-based reduced-order models (ROMs), which is a strongly multidisciplinary topic. Working on a production-level ROM capability inevitably means touching multiple fields, ranging from, e.g., linear algebra, nonlinear solvers and optimization, to time integration, generic programming, and distributed computing/HPC. This is clearly reflected in the structure of pressio: each component handles a specific capability and depends on the ones below it. This allows users to use a component directly, but, as a whole, the full stack constitutes the foundation of the top-level pressio/rom.

Describing how to use pressio for ROMs cannot be simply reduced to presenting the API. Several steps are involved, and the best way to understand them is via examples. Therefore, these tutorials are designed to show how to integrate various capabilities of pressio to do something meaningful, as well as unveil some details that might not be obvious, and are organized into these sections:

1. End-to-end ROMs using pressio-demoapps#

Complete workflow-based end-to-end demos to demonstrate in practice what pressio offers for ROMs, and to allow you to easily experiment with it

2. Self-contained tutorials using Eigen data types#

Collection of short, independent tutorials on the foundational capabilities that are easily explained in a self-contained fashion, for example ODE integration and nonlinear solvers

3. Advance topics#



This is work-in-progress. The BSD-3 license is available here.

We are working on publishing this: you can find our arXiv preprint at:


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